Text: Matthew 5:5 NKJV
Further Reading: Luke 18:10-14
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Matthew 5:5 NKJV
To be meek is to be humble. A meek person does value himself above others even when he is obviously in a higher class. The Bible has a lot to say about meekness and the blessings attached to being meek. The Bible says that God will guide the meek in judgments and teach him His ways (Psalms 25:9).
In Psalms 147:6, the Bible says that the Lord lifts the meek but proud he smashes to the ground. Scripture further says that those who are meek will be beautified by God (Psalms 149:4).
Another great benefit is being meek is found in Isaiah 29:19,
The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 29:19 KJV.
In our text of the day, the Lord Jesus said that the meek are blessed because he will inherit the earth. By implication, the meek are entitled to anything on earth. Show me a humble person and I show you a blessed person. Humility attracts prosperity and every blessing that can be gotten on earth.
In the old testament, the Bible called Moses the meekest person on earth but our Lord says that He is meek. This means that Jesus is meeker than Moses. The Bible says that Christians who learn to follow the ways of Jesus will find rest in their souls (Matthew 11:29).
Are you humble? There are too many benefits to derive from humility. Do not shortchange it for anything. Pride will only dig your grave below quickly but humility will keep you rising.
Apart from what Jesus taught about meekness, the Holy Spirit is also offering you a lifestyle of meekness by giving you the fruit for a healthy Christian life. You must accept it.
But the meek shall inherit the earth; And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
Psalms 37:11 KJV
Do you want peace? Then, be meek. Meek people will never lack peace.
Father, I receive the fruit of Meekness into my life today. Let it become a mighty tree within me.