Soldiers Of Christ: Faith

Text: Ephesians 6:16 NKJV

Further Reading: Matthew 8:23-27

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

Ephesians 6:16 NKJV


While combating the soldier of Christ, the enemy has diverse kinds of arrows that he launches to destroy his target. Some of which are the fiery dart of fear, discouragement, disappointment, sickness, and many more. The reason for this is to attack the primary source of the soldier’s strength which is his faith in the Lord of Hosts – Jesus the ever-victorious King.

Scripture says in 1 Peter 5:9 that you must however resist the devil standing firm in your faith in Christ Jesus. If the enemy can succeed in dismantling a man’s faith in Jesus, he has succeeded entirely over that life. Just as the heart is to the human body, so is faith to the Christian soldier.

The Bible says that as soldiers of Christ, you must not only walk by faith but live your entire life by faith, if not you will be a casualty in the hands of the devil. What do you think the devil was aiming at in the life of Job? Do you think the devil envied Job because of his earthly material blessings? No, it was Job’s faith and devotion to God. Whatever you see the devil throw at Job was just a contention for Job to lose his faith in God. Thank God Job knows whom he has believed.

In the battle against the enemy, the believer must hold and put up a special armor called the shield of faith. This shield will protect him against the sharp arrows that the enemy may be launching. Faith in God leaves a man strong and allows him do exploit.

Do you know that many times the enemy has come with floods of fear, it is just an attempt to rob you of your faith in God so that he can finish you. That’s why you must not be afraid, but rather believe in God who never fails. You can count on His merit never to leave you not forsake you. Whatever the fiery dart or arrow may be, you must not only guard your faith but put it up. When the storms arose and the disciples were afraid, Jesus asked, “Where is your faith?”. Do not keep your faith in the pocket but express it in the face of the biggest Challenge.

There is a contention for your faith, therefore you must earnestly contend with whatever is coming after your faith in Christ. If you will continue to win the battles of life, nothing must tamper with your faith in Christ. This faith must also be constantly built up when you passionately and regularly pray in the Holy Ghost (Jude 1:3; 20).

As long as your faith in Christ is intact, let the devil keep throwing his arrows, you can not be wounded, yet through your God you will march from strenght to strength destroying all strongholds of the enemy.

Carefully observe how the Plain English Version translates today’s text and meditate carefully on it.

You know that a soldier always has a shield, to stop the spears that the enemy throws at him. In the same way, you have to always trust God. Whenever you do that, it is like you are holding up a shield that stops the things that the devil throws at you. They are like burning spears, but if you trust God, he will stop them and put them out. –
Ephesians 6:16 PEV


Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 NKJV

The weapon of faith is universal, it is not only a defensive weapon but also the source and foundation of your existence.


Father, please give me a special gift of faith today.

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