Text: Luke 5:6
Further Reading: Luke 5:1-11
And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking.
Luke 5:6 NKJV
No one wants to remain in a spot. Most people want to keep rising and going higher but lack the strength and ability to. This is not because they are not trying but their efforts always seem not enough. Oftentimes, such people quit and never go further in life.
This was the case of Peter who toiled all night and got nothing. All his fishing experience amounted to fruitless and toilsome hours of the night. He was about to quit when he met Jesus. The entire human effort may take. you up but it can never guarantee you continuous higher growth.
It is true that promotion does not come from the East or the West but from God. Also, it is only God that can take a poor man and lift him from the dunghill into the palace. A man like Joseph would say, that’s my story.
The moment Peter lent his boat to Christ, his life began to change. From being a failure, Peter got his best-ever catch in his fishing career. As if that was all, Peter went on to become a fisher of men as Jesus promised (Acts 2:41).
Peter kept on going higher such that he performed miracles, healed many sick people and raised the dead back to life (Acts 3:1-8; Acts 5:15-16). Nothing could be far greater than this. God took Peter a common illiterate and made him an enigma. That is what God can do for anyone who comes to him.
When the enemy wanted to kill Peter, God sent his angel to open his prison door and he walked out unhurt. Peter kept going higher and higher until he was martyred. This shows that we can keep going higher provided Jesus is the source of our uplifting. Men may lift you up today but they can not keep you up. That’s why you must solely depend on Christ to keep lifting you until glory.
From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Psalms 61:2 NKJV
Only God can take you higher and keep you soaring.
Father, please lift me up and keep me going higher in Jesus’ name. Amen