Text: 1 Kings 19:2
Further Reading: 1 Kings 19:1-8
Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, “So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.”
1 Kings 19:2 NKJV
After the greatest victory often comes the greatest test from the tempter I.e. the devil. He comes ferociously to try to reclaim that which he has lost. He also knows that this will be a time for celebration and relaxation so it makes it the best time to strike. Does it mean that Christians should not rejoice after a major victory? No, we should but also be alert.
Our Lord Jesus Christ faced the same attack from the devil. In Matthew 4 after being led to fast for forty days and nights, the enemy quickly came to check if he could get Jesus to fall by putting some serious temptations on his way.
Don’t notice that it is when you have just finished praying or singing or you’ve just done some spiritual exercise that someone tries to provoke you? That is the devil working through that person to steal your blessings. Unfortunately, many believers still fall for this trick.
There is no better way to describe the operation of satan after a major victory than through the story we read today in 1 Kings 19:12. Elijah had just won a major victory. The nation of Israel has been restored to the true God and all the false prophets killed. There was no rain for the first time in three and a half years. But satan was not happy, he came after the man of God.
The enemy wanted to kill Elijah. Even when Elijah fled, he was so empty and discouraged, despaired to the point of wanting to die. Today the enemy is still using the same tactics. If he can not kill you, he will try to frustrate you so that you can lose your faith and confidence in God.
One assurance we have is that God will never abandon us in such a state, he will come and rescue us. He has promised never to allow the enemy to tempt us above our capacity with the promise to make a way for us to escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). I want to encourage those who are going through discouragement and depression because of the attacks of the enemy after a victory, God will show up big for you and deliver you from the hands of the enemy.
One thing you must always do however is never to take your eyes off the goal which is the glory ahead of you and keep looking up to Jesus the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 11:2).
So shall they fear The name of the Lord from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.
Isaiah 59:19 NKJV
When the enemy coming in swinging at you, do not despair but rather trust God who will deal with your battle and hand you the victory.
Father, please fight all my battles for me.