Text: 2 Kings 1:9
Further Reading: 2 Kings 1:1-19
Then the king sent to him a captain of fifty with his fifty men. So he went up to him; and there he was, sitting on the top of a hill. And he spoke to him: “Man of God, the king has said, ‘Come down!’ ”
2 Kings 1:9 NKJV
The mountain is not only a place to hear from God only but also a place of prayer and communication with God. When you look at the life of Jesus throughout the gospel, you will find references to many instances where it is recorded that he went apart into the mountain alone to pray.
The many miracles and signs that follow Jesus in his ministry are the result of his character of separation to pray. Every child of God must learn to have such private time to pour their hearts to God.
Without any shadow of a doubt, we have established that mountain climbing in this context is used figuratively as a private place not the actual going to the physical mountain as many may not have the opportunity to. But if you do have somewhere closeby and free of noise, you can make it your place of prayer.
Today we are looking at another mountain climber, Elijah. That daring and courageous Old Testament prophet got his message, power, and purpose in the place of prayer. Always Elijah was on the mountain top.
For this giant of prayer, whether calling down fire from heaven, raising a dead child, or confronting a national leader and his false prophets, nothing seems to be difficult for this great man of prayer.
Where did Elijah get such power to confront 850 false prophets and turn an idolatrous nation back to God? Where did he get such balls to speak against the king and lock the heavens? It is by standing before God in prayer on the mountain top.
During the three and half years of droughts, Elijah prayed. Every single day was meant for prayer. No wonder he was able to bring the fire of God to consume sin in the lives of the people of Israel.
There is no trick to being strong in the Lord than standing before God in the place of prayer as Elijah. The New Testament finished this mighty mountain climber in a few lines with a charge to us to also walk in his ways.
Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.
James 5:17-18 NKJV
Will you also take this challenge and begin to climb to meet the Lord in the place of prayer? The reward outweighs the stress. The prize is greater than the price. Take a leap from today and very soon you be a giant in prayer.
Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.
Luke 6:12 NKJV
Jesus prayed all night as an example to us. Should we not follow his example so that we can do greater works than He did? Think about it and choose to be a mountain climber today.
Father, please make me a man/woman of prayer.