Text: Mark 9:28-29
Further Reading: Mark 9:14-29
And when He had come into the house, His disciples asked Him privately, “Why could we not cast it out?” So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”
Mark 9:28-29 NKJV
Every day problems awaits us at the valley and we must translate our experience of the mountain to victory in the valley, no shrinking. Just absolute faith in God to confront all our battles.
The test of our mountain top experience is down in the valley of many decisions. No matter your experience and conviction may be on the mountain with God, it must be tested and confronted to prove that it solid.
True intimacy and convictions are built not by one time mountain top experience but by a constant experience. If you are convinced in your prayer time with God to give a particular seed or offering, that conviction will be tested by a problem that will demand the same amount you are convinced about.
This shows that the enemy will be waiting to make our desire to do God’s will difficult. He put roadblocks and set traps on our way to see if we will truly follow through with our decision.
One amazing thing is that God will not stop him. Do you remember the case of Job? The devil came against this man with frivolous accusation and even suggested that Job be tested. During all of these very serious testing, God never stopped the devil, although God gave him a limit.
Do you now wonder why it seems everything around you is falling apart and God seems not to be doing anything? That conviction must be tested or else it can not last. Look at the three young Hebrew men in Daniel 3, they believed thay God was able to save them but their convictions holds no water until it has gone through the fire.
That you are in constant fellowship with God will never immune you from the everyday challenges of life. One thing it will do for you how is make your faith solid in God. You will be able to overcome those challenges and live a victorious life.
Are you currently going through a serious of battles and you are wondering why God is not helping? Hold on to your conviction and you will have the last laugh. The end will be great, don’t bow to pressure.
The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.
Psalms 97:5 NKJV
Have you been spending enough time with God alone on the mountain to combat every challenge that comes your way? Note: the quality of time you spend in His presence will determine the quality of strenght you draw from Him to face your everyday problems.
Father, please strengthen me so that I can always