Text: 1 Samuel 1:10 KJV Further Reading: 1 Samuel 1:1-28 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish. 1 Samuel 1:10 NKJV MESSAGE Even though God has promised that no one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in our land; and that He will fulfil the number […]
Prayer Changes Things 2
Text: Acts 12:5 KJV Further Reading: Acts 12:1-19 Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church. Acts 12:5 NKJV MESSAGE Some mountains will not move until a man prays. Prayer to God in Jesus’ name is the greatest mountain crusher, problem solver, and hope renewer. […]
Prayer Changes Things
Text: Esather 3:13 KJV Further Reading: Esther 4:1-17 And the letters were sent by posts into all the king’s provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, even upon the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month […]
You Are Not Forgotten
Text: Isaiah 49:15 KJV Further Reading: Isaiah 49:14-20 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Isaiah 49:15 KJV MESSAGE At times it looks as if God has forsaken His people and forgotten his […]
Not In Vain
Text: Genesis 15:2 KJV Further Reading: Genesis 15:1-6 And Abram said, Lord GOD, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus? Genesis 15:2 KJV MESSAGE Sometimes when a person is serving God or following the Lord, it may look as if there is […]
Good For Nothing
Text: Matthew 5:13 KJV Further Reading: Luke 14:34-36 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Matthew 5:13 KJV MESSAGE When a believer loses […]
You Are Salt
Text: Matthew 5:13 KJV Further Reading: 2 Kings 2:19-22 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Matthew 5:13 KJV MESSAGE Have you ever […]
How Often Do You Witness?
Text: 2 Timothy 4:2 KJV Further Reading: 2 Timothy 4:1-5 preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 2 Timothy 4:2 NKJV MESSAGE The great commission is not to a few but to all who have been saved, it is also not something you do […]
The Wise!
Text: Proverbs 14:25 NKJV Further Reading: Romans 10:13-16 A true witness delivers souls, But a deceitful witness speaks lies. Proverbs 14:25 NKJV MESSAGE The world defines a wise person as one who has good judgement or is well-informed in matters relating to this world. We know for certain that the earthly wisdom and prowess of […]
The Torture Of Covered Sin
Text: Psalms 32:3-4 KJV Further Reading: Psalms 32:1-5 When I kept silence, my bones waxed old Through my roaring all the day long. For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: My moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Selah. Psalms 32:3-4 KJV MESSAGE Apart from the fact that God will not […]