Warn Souls

Days go by and time flies away, men are drawn into perdition, many saints asleep, and some careless. Who will warn the millions? Who will plead with these hell-bound souls? Who will persuade this hopeless generation to turn, to turn to their God and maker?

It may not matter now, but I tell you painfully that it will matter then:  when your son, daughter, husband, wife, friends, family, neighbors call out your name screaming and cursing in hell hopeless – “you warned us not” and your congregants yells in tears “Pastor, you were casual in your preaching. You never described this place vividly as it is. O if you had, I might have changed, O, you never prayed for us, now we are lost”. A long endless chorus of woe and regrets pointed at you. Will you be there laughing even if you be in bliss or with shame weep and cry for the souls you failed?

Not many years from now, it will all be over, the titles, the positions, the fame, the luxuries and pleasures, and each soul one after the other march to their eternal destinations – their home for ageless eternity. While some will be in bliss, many will be lost forever. Of what use then my friend is the whole world; your money, your skills, your innovations, and inventions? Do we suppose any of the big men of our time, the big-firm executives will go in there saying: “don’t you know who I am, I built this, or I made that?” No sir, just like every poor soul, they stand naked before their God trembling at His majesty, before Him whom all men are as grass.

To those who trust in riches and self, who reject Christ the Lord of all, you won’t do that forever. A day shall come when He shall judge all the creation, both the rich and the poor. You cannot ignore Him forever; you must find Him now.

If men will truly be lost forever, and I believe they will, then they must be warned! Saints must tearfully warn men on their jobs persuading them of the danger of eternity without Christ. Teachers and students must warn souls in our schools of the danger that awaits men without Christ. Souls must be warned everywhere, in the village, in the city, in the subway, in the train station, in the markets or malls, and in every place in the world at all times.

In Hell, every soul is of equal value, rich or poor, there is no gender disparity. There will be no social gap, no first-class seat in hell but first-class torment, no elite class but agonizing sorrow and pain for all hopeless souls. The soul will be tormented for the whole eternity and there is no escape route, no parole, no exit, no purgatory. An endless woe and suffering which the human mind cannot capture, men lost without redemption, waiting for the final judgment, a woe which can never be explained in the lake of fire.

What more then? No more arguments, we must warn men, even at the peril of our souls. We must warn them with tears, our hearts cannot be drained and empty, our eyes must be fountains of waters. We must cry to God for souls, weep for our own family, friends, our community, and our lost world.

Now we can pray, for here is a prayer answered for the lost, it is here we can fast, only on this side of eternity can we travail for souls. It may cost you something, but it means everything. One soul saved is a whole world gained. Will you join me as we travail for men to be saved, as we plead for our millennial generation to be delivered from the hold of hell and turned to God? Will you labor for the soul of your children, parents; wives cry for your husbands and the husbands for their wives, children weep for your parents. It is not late to do so now, but it can be late anytime as time flies and men die.

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