No More – A Clarion Call To Rise-Up For Our Youth

A few weeks after being away from Lagos, I returned to meet a deeper depravity in the young people. So young were the girls I had spoken with some weeks back, but are now like prostitutes – they are really young. I had no strength to deal with the malady because I was fatigued at the time and nothing I say can get through to them. In prayer later in the night I began to ask: must these young people be broken before they are saved, must the devil break their bodies, mind, and lives before they get converted? Can they not be saved even now without contamination and pollution? Is God not willing? I have found Him to be more than willing? Lord, why should the enemy have our streets and we fight for the pulpits?

I am pressed but I pray it will not just be a burst of emotion without a serious burden to sustain. But I say No more!
It is time to double efforts, we must labor more than ever before. I am not advocating for God but I am pleading with us for this generation that is almost lost into Hell. If we do nothing the enemy would keep sweeping men in their millions into the lower abyss. We either rise and say No more or our young people are doomed.

No more will the devil break the bodies of our young people, no more will our girls be abused and our boys molested, no more will perversions and immorality fill the hearts of our little ones, no more will our young boys kill and do wrongs to get money, no more will our girls be prostitutes and sex objects, no more will our streets be covered with youth whose mind has been ruined by drugs and smokes. No more! Enough is enough, we either take the battle to the enemy or he brings it into our home. If there is any time for the church to be desperate, it is now. Do we not see even our own children caught up in the Web of this decay? Or we are mindless to see our own slip out of control into the depth of wickedness that is in the world today.

If we do not feel sorry for the people on our streets, why not our own? The day is past when we simply smear and say, he is a rotten street boy and he deserves it, or she is just a dirty street dog and should die because our own are not any better and I dare say the shame is on us. Our house must be put back into order or the walls will be broken down. My heart faint to see many young people walk out of the church with a great possibility of walking into Hell. No more would the devil take hold of our own if we rise to take the battle to the enemy.

We have slept for too long, we left the battleground for the enemy, he had planted evil seeds who are now bad influences upon our own children. We willingly gave the enemy our major streets and allow him to crop the worst enemies of the cross in our youths and now our own youths are not safe. You say this is a fallacy, but this is true and we either say no by reclaiming our own youth and double the efforts in reclaiming our streets. We must pray as we have not prayed before, fast as we have never done, only for one thing – to bring our young people back to God.

This is no denominational thing, the enemy has come into our camps generally, all our denominational camps I mean and we must all brace up to fight. We have one common foe and so let us put aside our differences and cry unto God. We must unite in this battle, it is the Battle For The Young, it is the Battle For The Future, it is the Battle of the Lord. It must be won in the closet, no show is permitted, no emotionalism is allowed. It is time for our Fathers in the faith to come together. It’s either we stand and say no more or Hell will continually be enlarged to drain the souls of our youth into eternal perdition.

As for me, I say No more. What about you?

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2 thoughts on “No More – A Clarion Call To Rise-Up For Our Youth

  1. No more,the book of Lamentations explain this ordeal of our present time.may God help us to rise up from our slumber, please brother let this article be on all social media,it will prick men’s heart.

    1. Thank you for your feedback sir. About it pricking men’s hearts, we trust it would bring conviction to the heart of many to rise up for the young.
      Our desire is that this would stir the heart of men, and raise the burden to pray.

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