Text: Psalms 124:6 NKJV
Further Reading: Psalms 124:1-8
Blessed be the Lord, Who has not given us as prey to their teeth.
Psalms 124:6 NKJV
It is easier for the natural man to forget all that God has not done but fail to remember all of His benefits. But we will intentionally remember all of God’s goodness towards us and our families and give Him all the thanks. We must bless the Lord at all times and let His praise continually be in our mouths (Psalms 34:1).
If the Lord was not on your side in the year, where would you be today? When the enemies came in like a flood and the proud water came to overwhelm your soul. It was the Lord’s mercy that kept you. David in our text and reading of the day was expressing such wonderful deliverances and help from God. I am sure you can directly apply this to your life also.
It was the Lord who did not give you over to the evil wishes of the enemy. He broke the snare and you escaped out of the trap of the wicked. You should thank the Lord for this in a special way. Can you enumerate the number of times the Lord helped?
God came through for you by connecting you to many divine helpers as He promised. Every of God’s help was on time. Amidst the raging storms and turbulent challenges, the Lord kept and helped you – He was your very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1, 5).
It is not only young lions that suffer hunger, but many humans die of hunger daily, yet the Lord made sure there supply from heaven. Again the Lord has supplied all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
How many times were you in the valley of the shadow of death and the Lord was with you? His rod and staff brought comfort when you ought to be depressed. He delivered you from death and rescued your life from the hands of the devil.
These reasons are not enough but as we count our blessings, the Holy Spirit will begin to open up your heart to those amazing things that the Lord has done for you thus far. You must not forget any of God’s benefits. Count your blessings!
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; With my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations.
Psalms 89:1 NKJV
Thank God for fighting your battles for you. Thank Him for all His help towards you. Thank the Lord for deliverance from the valley of the shadow of death. Thank the Lord for His mercy endures forever.
Father, thank you for fighting for me and for all your help towards me