Text: Jonah 1:4
Further Reading: Jonah 1:1-17
But the Lord sent out a great wind on the sea, and there was a mighty tempest on the sea, so that the ship was about to be broken up.
Jonah 1:4 NKJV
When dealing with storms, one must be certain that he is in the will of God. This is because you can not expect God to suddenly show up for you in the mess you willingly created. So many people have found themselves in the storms they created by themselves and the devil convinces them that calling on God will be useless.
Take the example of the man Jonah who read in our reading of the day. This was a man who was fleeing from doing the will of God. God had no choice but to send a storm to stop him from running into chaos.
We must know that sometimes God also sends storms to stop His children from running into future danger. Because He sees the end from the beginning and He is a loving God, He sends the storm to divert such a child from getting burnt.
Many times we want the things that God may not approve of and in our strong will pursue that direction. If God loves you, He will send you a storm to keep you from falling into error. Such storms may look harsh but it is for the greater good. They are storms that God uses to work all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).
Are you on a ship that God does not want you to be on? Maybe relationship, fellowship, courtship, apprenticeship, or any ship at all? You should expect a storm soon. One disadvantage of such a storm is that it may not leave you the same. It may come at some personal loss of properties and valuable time as in the case of Jonah. But at least it does reset your mind and keep you back looking to Jesus the author and finisher of your faith.
If God has been cautioning you on a path that you take, then it is time to desist and do what He wants. You don’t want to be in a storm to retreat, you can do it now. Ask God to help you as it could be difficult times, but the end would be glorious.
Sinners will keep living a stormy life because in their storms they will have no peace. That is why sinners must abandon the worldly ship sailing into the land of destruction and enter into the ship of salvation which leads to eternal life.
Fire and hail, snow and clouds; Stormy wind, fulfilling His word;
Psalms 148:8 NKJV
When you are going through a storm, check if you are in the will of God and doing exactly what God wants you to do.
Father, please help me to always do your will per time. Take me out of every stormy water in Jesus’ name. Amen.