Text: Matthew 14:30
Further Reading: Matthew 14:22-33
But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”
Matthew 14:30 NKJV
Satan is the master at raising the storm but Jesus is the Master over the storms. At his rebuke, the storms are still. That is why I am confident that no matter how ferocious the storms facing you may be, you will surely be victorious.
Storms are in categories and they come against you based on your growth and hunger for the things of God. Satan likes to attack serious-minded believers with storms to distract them from their goal. This trick has been successful in pulling down many great people in the past. My prayer is that you ot be a victim but a victor in Jesus’ name.
In our Bible reading, we saw a different scenario from yesterday. This time, Jesus was not with them in the boat. One big lesson we must learn is that with or without Jesus in your boat, the storms of life will hit. So many people have been hit by these storms and because they did not have Jesus, their lives shattered. That is why every believer must be certain to have Jesus with them on the journey of life.
We also learn that the disciples were still afraid. Their reaction was the same as it was when Jesus was there. Again, you must guard diligently against fear, it will rob you of your vision. They were so fearful that they could not see clearly and they confused the Master for a ghost. Only with eyes of faith can a man see the Lord walking over one’s life’s battles.
Notice that zeal or enthusiasm is also not faith. Peter jumped into the sea with zeal and not faith. So when the stormy wind raged, he began to sin. You wonder why Jesus said he had little faith. Zeal on its own will do us little good, but when we add to our zeal the power of faith we will definitely be able to upon our waters.
We can also see that God is good despite our lack of faith. He is faithful that He will not let us sink. On the condition that we cry to Him as Peter did. Are you in a bad situation and it seems as if you are already sinking? Cry to the Master today and He will save you.
Finally, the moment Christ entered the boat, the storm ceased. Your life can not land safely on the heavenly shore without Christ in your boat. That is why you must constantly ensure that you still walking with Him and He is still with you.
Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.
II Corinthians 13:5 NKJV
You can always invite Jesus back into the boat of your life and you can guarantee that He will calm every storm confronting you.
He calms the storm, So that its waves are still.
Psalms 107:29 NKJV
Invite Jesus into the boat of your life and you can be sure that no storm will overwhelm you.
Jesus, please come into the boat of my life and sail with me every day