Text: John 9:7
Further Reading: John 9:1-12
And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent). So he went and washed, and came back seeing.
John 9:7 NKJV
God has ways and means without numbers. You can not box Him into a corner and confidently predict His next move. One of the most dangerous assumptions that most Christians make is that God will always move the way He last moved.
The most important thing however is for us to move as He is moving. This involves our ability to constantly be hearing from God and our willingness to yield at the instant prompt of His word even if it defies human logic and understanding.
Today, many have made doctrine and methods out of the move of God. Rather than allowing God’s revelation to be progressively revealed, they hold on tightly to a method that they once had. In most cases, such people missed God.
Although many foundational truths of God and principles can not change, when it comes to means with which to achieve those foundational truths, God has many ways to bring us into it.
There are times when God would allow people to get into serious troubles and then deliver them from it. One example is the case of the three Hebrew boys. God did not deliver them out of the furnace but inside it. There are other times that God would not even allow the trouble to hit before he quenches the enemy’s dart.
In our text and reading of the day, we read the story of a young man who was born blind. His encounter with Jesus led to the opening of His eyes. Jesus made clay and then rubbed it on his eyes and asked him to go wash and the man returned eyes opened. But in the case of blind Barthemeous in Mark 10:46-52, all the Lord did was to speak and his eyes were opened. In Mark 8:22-26, another blind man came to Jesus and was healed using another method.
One important thing is that the result will always be the same but the method and ways may not. Therefore, we must be always open to God and be willing to do what He asks us fo do per time and season. We cannot allow our experience of yesterday to hinder the move of God today.
God’s children must ask God for the grace to hear Him per time and the ability to follow through in the way He is currently leading them. This way, we will not be unfruitful and we will constantly experience God and His blessings.
He does great things past finding out, Yes, wonders without number.
Job 9:10 NKJV
You can’t guess or calculate God’s next move, simply follow Him and you will experience His miraculous power.
Father, please help me to enjoy your miracles and wonders as I learn to follow you daily without having