Text: Psalms 85:6
Further Reading: Psalms 85:1-7
Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You?
Psalms 85:6 NKJV
With the current state of things all over the world, no one would argue that there is an urgent need for divine intervention. The sad story is almost everywhere, from senseless wars that have led to the death of many people, to the abortion of millions of babies. It’s either God steps down or this generation is doomed.
We are all at fault and we must trust God for a visitation. Many today have lost the thirst, hunger, and zeal they had previously for God. They are now casual, some blind, others dead, and many unfortunately have become dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1-10). All these people must cry to God or else things will get beyond control.
David in our text of the day spoke about the lack of joy that resulted from the anger of God against the people because of sin. He pled with God to revive his people so that they may rejoice again. Do we need to pretend that all is well around us when there is no joy anywhere?
The cry of the Psalmist should be the cry of every one of us today. Listen to the solemn plea of this man of God:
Show us Your mercy, Lord, And grant us Your salvation. Psalms 85:7 NKJV
Oh that God will step down and cause righteousness to reign again in our land, oh that God will visit us that the dry bones may live again. Oh that He would speak with His thunderous voice that those dead in sin and trespasses would come alive in newness of life. We need God now, we need Him everywhere.
Before it all gets out of hand and chaos becomes the new norm, God’s people who are called by His name must first repent and turn away from their sins. We must all get sack clothes and ashes upon our heads and weep for the sins of this generation. Believers must hold God by His word to have mercy and not destroy. When we do this, God will hear our cries, He will forgive our sins, and heal our nations (2 Chronicles 7:14).
The time to seek the Lord is now, tomorrow may be a little too late.
Restore us, O God; Cause Your face to shine, And we shall be saved!
Psalms 80:6 NKJV
The cry of everyone should be for God to revive us as individuals, the church, and our nations. Pray that God will visit us again.
Father, please visit this generation and save us.