“… Son, remember that in your lifetime …” – Luke 16:25 Fresh as the day, the memory of the lost soul remains intact – another source of his eternal misery because he could relive every opportunity he had to settle his case with God and his vehement denial of the blood of Jesus Christ. He […]
Tearless, Loveless Soul
“Awake o tearless saints. Arise O loveless soul” Awake o tearless heart,Arise o loveless soul,Weep o dry eye,For the woe of sinners lost. My soul, mourn and weep,Groan for a people lost,Let none escape the tears,O for to save one at least. O that the drop of tears shed,Be the numbers of souls won,A river […]
Warn Souls
Days go by and time flies away, men are drawn into perdition, many saints asleep, and some careless. Who will warn the millions? Who will plead with these hell-bound souls? Who will persuade this hopeless generation to turn, to turn to their God and maker? It may not matter now, but I tell you painfully […]
Rend The Heaven
“Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down” This is our heart’s cry to the Lord today, that the Father would tear the curtains of heaven and send us the revival rain. We are desperate, we are in need, we are thirsty, we are hungry, Oh Lord, come down and meet our needs, […]
Rend The Heaven (Poem)
Oh that you would rend the heavens and come downOh that you would thunder from heaven that we may hearOh that you would break mountains of doubt by your SpiritOh that you would cause an overflow of living waters by your SpiritOh that you would pity us and satisfy our hungry soulsOh that you would […]
Our Nakedness
With all our preaching, teachings, denominations, organizing, and all, how many souls can we account for as truly converted? Some Churches and denominations have not recorded a thousand new souls in the last twenty years. We are fast becoming a generational Church (children and grandchildren …); not one with newly regenerated souls, does it mean […]
Not Her Fault
she did nothing wrong yet she was all wrong everything about her was wrong her conception was wrong; for she was conceived in sin oh that she had a right birth but No! her birth was further wrong for in deep iniquities was she birthed this sprang a thought in my soul; that if her […]
A Show of Shame
I am not sad, but I feel I should be sad, I am not angry, yet I ought to be, my soul is not in deep anguish but it ought to be, I would lament if only I can, I would cry if but I can find tears, yet my eyes are dry and my […]
Him Whom They Pierced
“Look unto me, and be ye saved”. Is. 45:22 For any man to be saved he must look away from within himself, for in himself is no good and all his righteousness before God is a filthy rag. No man can truly save himself from sin and the damnation of hell that awaits sinful men. […]
At The Cost Of God’s Own Blood
All men have sinned, in fact, all men were born sinners, you will notice a little child as young as one or two-year-old who hardly can speak try to cover up for a misdeed by lying, and since all men are born with God’s policeman (the conscience) we see that even a young child recognizes […]